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Stabilium & Chronic Fatigue

The Positive Role of a Nutraceutic in Memory and Cognitive Functions
and Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue in Adults

Le Poncin M., Pallier E., Elbaz H. April 27, 2000

A nutraceutical fish protein extract, Garum Armoricum ("GA"), which we previously studied for weakness and fatigue-related depression and anxiety, has recently been tested in a crossover, double blind versus placebo study to examine it's effects in memory and cognitive disorders. Results show statistically significant positive effects, especially in the 40-50 years of age group. It seems that GA, through its favorable effect on weakness and fatigue-related depression, helps to improve memory and cognitive function as well.

A reduction in memory and intellectual capacities is affecting men and women at an increasingly early age. In an attempt to provide a natural solution to the challenges caused by the stress of modem living (one of which is the gradual loss of memory and cognitive function), is the aim of this study. In this study, GA was tested versus placebo. Its performance was measured in terms of GA's modifying effects on mind and behavior, and GA's effects on memory and cognitive performance.

Significant Differences Among Age Groups

Sleep: The refreshing |effects of sleep leveled out over the various age groups.

Motivation: There was a distinct improvement in motivation and drive, particularly in subjects 56 and older.

Concentration: There was a noticeable improvement in the ability to concentrate (an essential faculty in memory processes) in subjects 56 and older.

Immediate Memorization: All age groups demonstrated an improvement in immediate memorization, as demonstrated by Wechsler's Test of Memorization, and Rey's Test (memorization of 15 words), which showed an improvement in subjects between age 45 and 55.

Memorization of Things Learned: The positive effects on learning ability were particularly apparent in the 45-55 age group.

Summary of Statistically Significant Results

This study clearly demonstrates that GA may be beneficial to a variety of age groups experiencing difficulties with memory and mental clarity. The GA therapy was shown to be statistically superior to the placebo. Those with symptoms of greatest severity (age 56 and over) appeared to benefit the most. Significant improvement in cognitive function and motivation occurred. In the age group 45-55, there was a clear improvement in performance in terms of immediate memorization, learning, and capacity for differential memorization (Rey).

As we have demonstrated both in human and animal studies, GA is currently well established as a treatment for weakness and chronic fatigue, as well as anxiety. It may be that in alleviating this syndrome, GA potentiates the cognitive functions of memorization and learning.


Garum Armoricum, a natural substance, integrated in human nutrition for many centuries, is rich in essential fatty acids and micropeptides. The composition of this substance is original and controlled, and has been subjected to thorough, high quality testing. All studies have confirmed that GA has no harmful side effects and is not addictive. It has demonstrated efficacy throughout this double-blind trial versus placebo.

In a 2-3 month course of treatment, beginning with an aggressive dose of 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening for 1 month; followed by 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening for an additional 2 months, GA facilitates the regaining of effective memory and cognitive function, while relieving symptoms of weakness, chronic fatigue, and anxiety. It is well known that these psychological and cognitive functions are interrelated, which was clearly demonstrated by the symptoms reported by the subjects included in this study.


  1. Le Poncin M. Experimental Study: Stress and Memory. The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 6(3):110, 1996.
  2. Dorman T, et al. The Effectiveness of Stabilium on Reducing Anxiety in College Students. Journal of Advance in Medicine 83:193-200, 1995.
  3. Le Poncin M Psychopathology Due to Sedentary Life: in Sedentary Life and Nutrition. Medical and Social Aspect Aging Series, Turin Raven Press, 1990.
  4. Elbaz M. Astheno - Depression. Cahiers de Biotherapie, No. 100, December 3. 1988.
  5. Poitrenaud J. Les Modifications au Cours du Veillissement Cerebral Normal. Investigations Cliniques ot Para Cliniques dans le Veillissement Cerebral. Doin, Paris, pp. 17-34.
  6. Hamon M La Transmission de L'influx Nerveux Role des Nuro Transmetteurs. Gaz Med de France 89(30): 3539-3555, 1982.
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Clinical Results of the Effect of Stabilium on 40 Chronic Fatigue Patients

Crocq L, Bugard P, et al.

The aim of this study was to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of Stabilium 200 on 40 patients who had been suffering from weakness and/or chronic fatigue for a period of 1 to 3 months. Four capsules of Stabilium 200 were administered for 15 days and the results recorded on Day O and Day 15. The results demonstrated the benefits Of Stabilium 200 reflected in statistically significant improvements in chronic fatigue/weakness-related symptoms and categories.

The following table summarizes the results of the study.

Clinical Trial Demonstrates Improvement for Chronic Fatigue-Related Symptoms

Muscle Fatigue 76%
Mental Fatigue 44%
Depression 27%
Anxiety 20%
Sleep Problems 43%
Loss of Appetite 79%
Speech Problems 33%
Musculoskeletal Symptoms 39%
Headaches 69%
General Wellbeing 75%

What is Stabilium?

Stabilium is an extract of Garum Armoricum (GA), a giant blue fish that can only be found in the ocean depths of the Amorican Peninsula in France. These remarkable fish have a unique metabolism that is especially well equipped for dealing with stress due to the extreme conditions in which they live a dark. Cold, oxygen-depleted environment. Originally discovered by the ancient Celts, GA has been used for thousands of years to improve mood, energy, and stamina. It was most commonly used by children, pregnant women, the elderly, and athletes. GA was given to Roman soldiers before long marches and before going into battle to increase physical stamina.

The constituents found in Stabilium are varied, including proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals (including antioxidant nutrients), Omega 3 fatty acids, and micropeptides including hypothalamic-releasing factors and opioid peptides.

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